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Giovanni Moro was born in Rome in 1958.

Married, two children.

University degree in Philosophy of Knowledge. Dissertation on “The concept of concept. A definition in the philosophy of social science framework” (vote: 110 cum laude).

Between 1982 and 1992 he carried out studies and researches in philosophy of social sciences and political sociology at Cerfe, Rome.

His main research fields are contemporary phenomena related to citizenship, especially civic activism, new forms of governance and corporate citizenship.

He is president of FONDACA, Active Citizenship Foundation, a body established in 2001 and inspired by the experience and research of the Italian citizens' movement Cittadinanzattiva. FONDACA acts in research, advanced training, cultural dialogue and advice on new forms of citizenship in contemporary societies.

He is lecturer in Sociology of Political Phenomena at the Faculty of Political Sciences of the Macerata University.


1. Research

Since 1995 he lead on research projects in Italy and Europe on the following topics:

  • the public policies towards civic organizations;
  • forms, tools and procedures of participatory governance;
  • the corporate social responsibility basis;
  • the civic organizations – private companies partnerships;
  • the process of citizenship-building in the EU;
  • the rights of active citizenship organizations in Europe;
  • patients' rights in Italy and Europe;
  • the involvement of active citizenship organizations in local safety policies;
  • the consumers' rights and he European juridical environment;
  • school and long-life citizenship education;
  • the communication policies of the EU.

At the moment he is the director of the second edition of the Italian part of the Civil Society Index, a research on civil societies worldwide promoted by the NGO Civicus, started in the fall of 2008. In 2005-2007 he had directed the first edition of the research on Italy, editing together with Ilaria Vannini the Italian version of the final report (La società civile tra eredità e sfide, 2008).

Since 2009 he participates in the National Interest Research Program (PRIN) on “Political imageries of West. The EU as an opportunity space or as a fortress”, promoted by the Milano Bicocca University. The topic of the research is the inclusion of immigrants in Italian citizens' organizations.

Research reports

  • Civic Resources for Urban Safety: a Survey on the Role of Active Citizenship Organizations, FONDACA, 2009. text

  • with Alessandro Lamanna, Melody Ross, Ilaria Vannini, "Patients' Rights in Europe. Civic Information on the Implementation of the European Charter of Patients' Rights", Active Citizenship Network, FONDACA, 2007. text
  • with Ilaria Vannini, "Italian Civil Society Facing New Challenges", FONDACA, Cittadinanzattiva, Civicus, 2006. text
  • with Ilaria Vannini, "Il ruolo delle organizzazioni civiche nei processi di comunicazione dell'Unione europea" [The Role of citizens' organizations in the EU communication processes], Fondaca, 2006. testo
  • with Ilaria Vannini, "Not Alone. A Research on Partnerships between Private Companies and Citizens' Organizations in Europe", Active Citizenship Network, FONDACA, 2006. text
  • with Alessandro Lamanna and Melody Ross, "Citizens' Report on the Implementation of the European Charter of Patients' Rights", Active Citizenship Network, 2005. text
  • with Cecilia Fonseca, Pamela Harris, Melody Ross, Charlotte Roffiaen, "Assessing and Reviewing The Criteria of Representativeness of Civic NGOs", Active Citizenship Network, 2005. text
  • "Public Institutions Interacting with Citizens' Organizations. A Survey on Public Policies on Civic Activism in Europe", Active Citizenship Network, 2004. text
  • with Stefano A. Inglese and Teresa Petrangolini, "Cittadini e servizi sanitari. Relazione 1996-1997" [Citizens and Health Services. 1996-1997 Report], Tribunale per i diritti del malato - Movimento federativo democratico, 1997.

2. Education

Academic activities

Starting from 2009-2010 he will be teaching as lecturer a course on Sociology of Political Phenomena at the Faculty of Political Sciences of Macerata University.

From 2003-2004 to 2008-2009 he teached a course on Management of Citizens' Organizations at the Faculty of Education of Roma Tre University.

Since 2005-2006 he has been teaching at the Master on Management of External Relations and Communication in Public Administrations and in Public Facilities at the Faculty of Communication Sciences of Milano IULM University.

From 2003-2004 to 2006-2007 he teached a course on Governance, Partnerships and Citizenship Policies at the Master on Citizenship Policies and Local Welfare, promoted by the Faculty of Statistics of La Sapienza University of Rome and FONDACA.

He teached in various university courses and masters concerning citizens' organizations, among others in the universities of Bari, Trento, Roma “La Sapienza”, Roma San Tommaso D’Aquino, Teramo.

Other activities

He has directed the didactic planning and chairs since its starting, in 2005, the Master in Corporate Citizenship, carried out in Rome by FONDACA in partnership with the Pisa Sant'Anna School of Advanced Studies and the Boston College Leadership for Change program.

In 2003-2004 he was the director of a project aimed at producing citizens' organizations' leaders education handbooks in Albania and FYR of Macedonia with the support of the World Bank Institute for Development.

In 2000 he cooperated with the Cittadinanzattiva's School of Active Citizenship for the setting up of an experimental project for reforming civic education in Italian high schools.

In 1999-2000 he directed the didactic planning and chaired the training course devoted to 24 consumer organizations' leaders coming from Southern Europe countries (Greece, Italy, Portugal and Spain), promoted by Cittadinanzattiva with the support of the European Commission, DG SANCO.

In 1999 he was the editor of the handbook for the participants to 180 courses of citizenship education organized by the School of Active Ciizenship in Italy.

In 1998 he directed the planning and implementation of 20 seminars on the impact of the Amsterdam Treaty on the Italian justice system, addressed to judges and lawyers, with the support of the European Commission, DG 10.

In 1997 he directed the planning and the implementation of the “Pilot School of Active Citizenship”, carried out by Citadinanzattiva with the support of the European Social Fund and the Italian Ministry of Labor and addressed to 25 leaders of citizens' organizations of Southern regions of Italy.

In 1995-96 he directed the planning and the implementation of the pilot course on Participated Quality Analysis, carried out by Laboratorio di scienze della cittadinanza and addressed to 45 managers and professionals of local health agencies in Italy.

Since 1987 he has been teaching in post-degree courses organized, among others, by Stesam and Tecnopolis in Bari, Formez and Ateneo Impresa in Rome.

Moreover he is active in training activities addressed to managers and officials of public bodies, private companies, civic organizations and trade unions in Italy, among others the Milano Province Administration, the Trieste Local Health Agency, the Genova Town Administration, the Barilla Company, the Merck Sharp & Dhome, the Johnson & Johnson Foundation, the Apri Group, the National Coordination of Welfare Communities, the local Service Centers for Volunteers, the Cisl trade union.

3. Cultural dialogue

Since its establishment, in 2003, he leads the FONDACA “Euro-American Colloquia on Citizenship” program, which consists in the convening of conferences and seminars in Europe and the USA in partnership with universities and other bodies on citizenship-related topics. The involved universities are the Boston College, the Boston University, the City University of New York, the Columbia University of New York, the Catholic University of Washington, the Milano Bicocca University, the Macerata University.

Since its foundation in 2004 he is member of the scientific board of the four-months Italian review EAST - Europe and Asia Strategies.


  • "Good practices in citizens’ organizations – governments
    relations. A research on 10 European countries", paper presented at the NCVO & VSSN Research Conference – Warwick, UK, 13-14 September 2006.

  • "The Enlargement of the Empirical Basis of Sociological Research on Human Rights in Developed Countries. The Case of the European Charter of Patients' Rights", paper presented at the International Institute of Sociology congress, Stockholm, Sweden, 5-9 July 2005. text

  • "Citizens' Organizations as Actors of the Construction of a European Identity", paper presented at the International Institute of Sociology congress, Stockholm, Sweden, 5-9 July 2005. text

  • "European Institutions Interacting with Citizens' Organizations - Some findings of a survey on public policies on 'civic' NGOs in Europe", paper presented ad the ISTR-EMES conference, Paris, France, 27-29 April 2005. text

  • "Sussidiarietà orizzontale e riforma dell'Unione europea" [Horizontal Subsidiarity and EU Reform], Paper presented at the conference on Circular Subsidiarity and European Constitution, organized by Cittadinanzattiva and "Quelli del 118", Bologna, Italy, 28 March 2003. testo

  • "The 'Lab' of European Citizenship. Democratic Deficit, Governance Approach and Non Standard Citizenship", paper presented at the IIS Congress - Krakow, Poland, 11-15 July, 2001. text

  • "Cittadinanza attiva e governance comunitaria" [Active Citizenship and EU Governance], Introduction to the Seminar on European Citizenship and Community Governance: the opportunity of the Union Reform", held on the occasion of the second Active Citizenship Week - Rome, Italy, 11 June 2001. testo

  • "Active Citizenship as Phenomenon and Concept", paper presented at the International Institute of Sociology Congress, Tel Aviv, Israel, 15 July, 1999. text

Freelance journalism activities

He was editorial writer of the weekly “L’Espresso” and of the daily “Avvenire”.

He has written editorials and columns, among others, for the newspapers “La Stampa”, “Repubblica”, “Liberal”, “Il Riformista”, “Famiglia Cristiana”.

4. Advice and support to public institutions, private companies
and civic organizations

He has carried out advice activities for international bodies such as the OECD and the World Bank Institute for Development, for the European Commission and the EU Economic and Social Committee as well as for public, private and civic bodies in Italy.

In 2008-2009 he has directed the FONDACA working group that supported the Genova City Administration in planning and organizing a conference (March 2009) on “Active Citizenship and urban safety policies”.

He is member of the FONDACA working group that is carrying out an evaluation of the sustainibility report of Unicredit Group and the planning of a training program on sustainability and corporate responsibility devoted to the top managers of the Group.

In 2007-2008 he has lead the Active Citizenship Network and FONDACA working group that has implemented the project “Monitoring and Evaluating the State of the Rights to European Active Citizenship” in 11 EU countries with the support of the European Commission, DG EAC. The output of the project was the set up of a European standard and of a toolbox (Checklist and Matrix) for monitoring and evaluating the state of implementation of active citizenship organizations' rights in the territory of he EU.

Since 2007 he has been directing the FONDACA working group that has planned and is cooperating in the implementation of the sustainability policy of Barilla Company.

In 2006-2007 he has directed the working group of the project “Lisbon Minus 3: Evaluating CSR partnerships”, carried out by Active Citizenship Network and FONDACA with the support of the European Commission, DG Employment and Social Affairs, in 14 European countries. The project lead to the set up of a “Toolbox for Evaluating Partnerships between Companies and Citizens’ Organisations”.

From 2006 to 2008 he was member of the Ethical Committee of Pioneer Investments (Unicredit Group), involved in the management of the ethical funds of the company.

From 2003 to 2008 he was member of the Commission for Corporate Social Responsibility of Coop Nord Est (large-scale retail trade).

In 2001 he was among the promoters of the Italian Network of the United Nations Global Compact. FONDACA is a the moment the Focal Point of the Network.

In 2000 he advised the Genova City Administration in the process of participated planning for the restoring of Piazza Ragazzi, one of the squares of the historic center of the city.

In 1997 he was engaged in the definition of the methodology of the first annual report of the Cittadinanzattiva – Tribunal for Patients' Rights on “Citizens and Health Services”, based on the information coming from the Tribunal's advice service. In 2000 has played the same role on the occasion of the first Cittadinanzattiva's report on facilities and general interest services in Italy.

In 1995 he carried out a research aimed at setting up the service Charter of the Rome city waste management company (AMA).

In 1994 he set up a project for a regional advice service on waste management devoted to local administrations, commissioned by the Italian Ministry of Environment.

In 1994 he directed the set up of the project for a TV program on citizens' right, commissioned by Telemontecarlo.

In 1993 he directed the set up of a policy project on “Summer Emergency”, commissioned by the Government's Department for Social Affairs.


5. Civic Engagement

At the end of the Seventies he took part in the foundation of Cittadinanzattiva movement (formerly Movimento Federativo Democratico), which he was general secretary of from 1989 to 2002. He is now member of the National Board of the movement.

Since 2009 he is member of the Ethical Committee of CESVI (an international cooperation NGO).

He was member of the editorial group of the European Charter of Active Citizenship, promoted by Active Citizenship Network and FONDACA in 2006.

He was member of the editorial group of the European Charter of Patients' Rights, promoted by Active Citizenship Network in 2002.

In 2001 he founded the Cittadinanzattiva European policy program, Active Citizenship Network. He is now program advisor of ACN.

He participated in the consultations regarding the set up of the EU Charter of Fundamental Rights (2000) and the European Commission reform (White Paper on Governance, 2001).

In 1999-2000 he participated in the dialogue with the Italian Government and Parliament that lead to the insertion in the Italian Constitution of the principle of subsidiarity (art. 118.4).

In 1990 he participated in the dialogue with the Italian Government that lead to the introduction of a head devoted to citizens participation in the law reforming local administrations (L. n. 142).


6. Activities in Public Institutions

From 1994 to 1996 he was member of the Government's Commission on Poverty and Social Exclusion.

In 1994-1995 he was member of the Italian delegation at the Preparatory Conference of the United Nations Summit on Social Development (Copenaghen, 1995).

7. Main publications

He published in 1998 Manuale di cittadinanza attiva (Handbook of Active Citizenship), in 2003 together with Alessandro Profumo PlusValori. La responsabilità sociale d’impresa (Surplus Values. The Corporate Social Responsibility), in 2005 Azione civica. Conoscere e gestire le organizzazioni di cittadinanza attiva (Civic Action. Knowing and Managing the active citizenship organizations), in 2007 Anni Settanta (The Seventies), in 2008 together with Ilaria Vannini La società civile tra eredità e sfide. Rapporto sull’Italia del Civil Society Index (Italian Civil Society between Heritage and Challenges. The Civil Society Index Report on Italy) and in 2009 Cittadini in Europa. L'attivismo civico e l'esperimento democratico comunitario [Citizens in Europe. Civic Activism and the Community Democratic Experiment].

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