Moro was born in Rome in 1958. Sociologist of
political phenomena and of organizations, he carries
out research, training, cultural dialogue and advice
on citizenship and related issues such as civic
activism in public policies, new forms of governance,
corporate responsibility and the citizens'
side of Europe. He is scientific advisor of FONDACA and was its president from its establishment, in 2001, to 2017. He teaches Political Sociology at the Faculty of Social Sciences of Gregoriana University of Rome. He published in 1998 "Manuale di cittadinanza attiva" (Handbook of Active Citizenship), in 2003 together with Alessandro Profumo "PlusValori. La responsabilità sociale d'impresa" (Surplus Values: the Corporate Social Responsibiity), in 2005 "Azione civica" (Civic Action), in 2007 "Anni Settanta" (The Seventies), in 2008 together with Ilaria Vannini "La società civile tra eredità e sfide. Rapporto sull'Italia del Civil Society Index" (Civil Society Between Heritage and Challenges. The Civil Society Index Report on Italy), in 2009 "Cittadini in Europa" (Citizens in Europe, English edition 2012), in 2011 "La moneta della discordia. L'euro e i cittadini dieci anni dopo" (The Currency of Discord. Euro and the Citizens After Ten Years), in 2013 the edited book "The Single Currency and European Citizenship: Unveiling the Other Side of the Coin" (Italian edition 2013),"Cittadinanza attiva e qualità della democrazia" (Active Citienship and the Quality of Democracy) and in 2014 "Contro il non profit" (Against Nonprofit). For several years he was general secretary of the Italian movement Cittadinanzattiva and founded its European policy program Active Citizenship Network. |
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updated 25 January, 2014 |