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papers and research reports




Contro il non profit
[Against Nonprofit]
Laterza, Roma-Bari 2014
contro il non profit

Cittadinanza attiva e qualità della democrazia
[Active Citizenship and the Quality of Democracy[
Carocci, Roma 2013

Euro e cittadinanza. L'anello mancante
[Euro and Citizenship. The Missing Link]
edited by Giovanni Moro
Donzelli, Roma 2013
euro e cittadinanza

The Single Currency and European Citizenship. Unveiling the Other Side of the Coin
Edited Book
Bloomsbury Academic, London-New Dehli.New York-Sidney 2013

Citizens in Europe. Civic Activism and the Community Democratic Experiment 

Springer, New York 2012


La moneta della discordia [The Currency of Discord]

with the cooperation of Lucia Mazzuca and Roberto Ranucci
Cooper, Roma 2011


Cittadini in Europa. L'attivismo civico e l'esperimento democratico comunitario [Citizens in Europe. Civic Activism and the Community Democratic Experiment]

Carocci, Roma 2009

2010 Capalbio Prize for Europe

with Ilaria Vannini:

La societa' civile tra eredita' e sfide. Rapporto sull?Italia del Civil Society Index
[Civil Society between Heritage and Challenges. Report on Italy of the Civil Society Index]

Rubbettino, Soveria Mannelli 2008


Anni Settanta
[The Seventies]

Einaudi, Torino 2007


Azione civica. Conoscere e gestire le organizzazioni di cittadinanza attiva
[Civic Action. Knowing and Managing Active Citizenship Organizations]

Carocci, Roma 2005.


with Alessandro Profumo:

Plus Valori. La responsabilita' sociale dell'impresa
[Surplus Values. The Corporate Social Responsibility]

Baldini &Castoldi, Milano 2003


Manuale di cittadinanza attiva
[Handbook on Active Citizenship]

Carocci, Roma 1998

  Chapters, Entries    
  • "Civic Action", entry of the International Encyclopedia of Civil Society, edited by Helmut Anheier, Regina List and Stephen Toepler, Springer, New York, 2009. text

  • "Cittadini e guerra" [Citizens and War], in Marina Calloni (ed.), Umanizzare l'umanitarismo. Limiti e potenzialit? della comunit? internazionale, UTET, Torino, 2009.
  • "Cittadini e pubblica amministrazione" [Citizens and Public Administration], in Borgonovi E., Rusconi G. (a cura), La responsabilit? sociale delle istituzioni di pubblico interesse, FrancoAngeli, Milano 2008, pp. 42-53.
  • "Cittadini e pubbliche amministrazioni: diritti, poteri, strumenti" [Citizens and Public Administrations: Rights, Powers, Tools], in Formez, Innovazione amministrativa e crescita. Rapporto con raccomandazioni, volume IV - Cittadinanza amministrativa, Formez, Roma 2008, pagg. 47-88. testo
  • "Etica e impresa"[Ethics and Enterprise], in Come crescere senza perdere l?anima. Sette giornate di cooperazione, a cura di Renzo Testi, Coop Nord Est, Reggio Emilia 2007, vol. II, pagg. 225-232. testo
  • "Choice", in Marshall Marinker (ed.), Constructive Conversations About Health Policy and Values, Radcliffe Publishing, Oxford and Seattle 2006, pp. 51-61. text
  • "Citizens' Evaluation of Public Participation", in Joanne Caddy (ed.), Evaluating Public Participation in Policy Making, OECD, Paris 2005, pp. 109-126.
  • with Angelo Tanese, "Rendicontazione sociale e processi di partecipazione dei cittadini" [Social Reporting and Citizens' Participation], in Angelo Tanese (ed), Rendere conto ai cittadini. Il bilancio sociale nelle amministrazioni pubbliche, Edizioni Scientifiche Italiane, Napoli 2004, pagg. 171-178. testo
  • "Governance: A Citizens' Perspective", in Caddy J., Vergez C. (Eds.), Open Government. Fostering Dialogue with Civil Society, OECD, Paris, 2003.
  • "Verso un nuovo ruolo delle organizzazioni volontarie di impegno civico in ambito socio-sanitario" [Towards a New Role of Civic Organizations in the welfare and health field], in Ugo Ascoli (a cura), Il welfare futuro. Manuale critico del terzo settore, Carocci, Roma, 1999, pagg. 203-221.


  • "Volontariato, advocacy e cittadinanza attiva" [Voluntary Organizations, Advocacy and Active Citizenship], in Impresa sociale, n. 4/2009, pp. 208-223.
  • "Verso un framework europeo per la cittadinanza d'impresa. Il contributo delle partnership tra aziende e organizzazioni di cittadini" [Towards a European Framework of Corporate Citizenship. The contribution of Partnerships between Companies and Citizens' Organizations], in Politeia, n. 89/2008, pp. 341-346. testo
  • "La questione della rappresentatività delle organizzazioni civiche tra dichiarazioni ufficiali e criteri ombra" [The Issue of Representativeness of Citizens' Organizations between Official Declarations and Shadow Criteria], in Meridiana, n. 58/2007, pagg. 69-104. text
  • ?Le politiche pubbliche verso i cittadini organizzati? [The Public Policies towards Organized Citizens], in East, n. 3/2005, pagg. 148-153. text
  • "Il 'divario transatlantico' e il confronto sulla cittadinanza" [The Transatlantic Divide and the Dialogue on Citizenship], in Democrazia e diritto, n. 2/2004, pagg. 125-134. text
  • "Cittadini d'Europa a queste condizioni" [Citizens of Europe at these conditions], in East, 1/2004, pp. 46-51. testo
  • "The Citizen Side of Governance", in The Journal of Corporate Citizenship, Issue 7, Autumn 2002, pp. 18-30. text
  • "Cosa, come, con chi. Promemoria per una discussione sul pensiero politico del movimento di critica alla globalizzazione" [What, How, Who. Memo for a debate on political thought of the no-global movement], in Democrazia
    e diritto, 1/2001, pp. 153- 160.
  • "I conflitti senza teoria delle società contemporanee" [The Conflicts without Theory of Contemporary Societies], in Democrazia diretta, 1/95, pp. 26- 34.
  • "Spunti di riflessione sulla conferenza mondiale di Copenaghen sull'emarginazione" [Reflections on the Copenaghen UN World Summit on Social Development], in Democrazia e diritto, n. 4/94-1/95, pagg. 477-486.
  • "Il problema di Popper" [Popper's Problem], in Democrazia diretta, 3-4/93, pp. 131- 139.
  • "Da Popper a Lakatos" [From Popper to Lakatos], in Democrazia diretta, 1/92, pp. 69- 74.
  • "Il cittadino padrone di casa" [The Citizen Master in Its Home], in Democrazia diretta, 1-2/91, pp. 6-15.
  • "Un antiprincipe per il cittadino comune", in Democrazia diretta, n. 1/90, pagg. 6-17.
  • "Partiti, elettori e cittadini", in Democrazia diretta, n. 2/90, pagg. 40-41.
  • "Chi ha paura della crisi del pensiero?" [Who fears the crisis of thought?], in Democrazia diretta, n. 2/90, pp. 66- 71.
  • "Spunti per una ricerca filosofica sulla soggettività", in Democrazia diretta, n. 3/90, pagg. 30-32.
  • "Cittadini e nuova cultura politica", in Quaderni di azione sociale, n. 72/1989, pagg. 13-22.
  • "Le condizioni idealizzanti nell'epistemologia delle scienze dell'uomo", in Laboratorio di scienze dell'uomo, 3-4/87, pagg. 37-43.


  • L'attivismo civico e le pratiche di cittadinanza [Civic activism and citizenship practices], paper presented at the annual conference of the Italian Society of Political Science, Venice, IUAV University, 18 September 2010. testo
  • Partecipare a cosa? Per una riconsiderazione del nesso tra democrazia partecipativa e attivismo organizzato dei cittadini in Italia e in Europa [Participation in What? Reconsidering the link between participatory democracy and organized citizens' activism in Italy and Europe], paper presented at the annual conference of the Italian Society of Political Science, Rome, LUISS University, 18 September 2009 testo
  • "Good practices in citizens' organizations-governments relations. A research on 10 European countries", paper presented at the NCVO & VSSN Research Conference - Warwick, 13-14 September 2006. text
  • "The Enlargement of the Empirical Basis of Sociological Research on Human Rights in Developed Countries. The Case of the European Charter of Patients' Rights", paper presented at the International Institute of Sociology congress, Stockholm 5-9 July 2005. text
  • "Citizens' Organizations as Actors of the Construction of a European Identity", paper presented at the International Institute of Sociology congress, Stockholm 5-9 July 2005. text
  • "European Institutions Interacting with Citizens' Organizations - Some findings of a survey on public policies on 'civic' NGOs in Europe", paper presented at the ISTR-EMES conference, Paris 27-29 April 2005. text
  • "Sussidiarietà orizzontale e riforma dell'Unione europea" [Horizontal Subsidiarity and EU Reform], Paper presented at the conference on Circular Subsidiarity and European Constitution, organized by Cittadinanzattiva and "Quelli del 118", Bologna, 28 March 2003. testo
  • "The 'Lab' of European Citizenship. Democratic Deficit, Governance Approach and Non Standard Citizenship", paper presented at the IIS Congress - Krakow, 11-15 July, 2001. text
  • "Cittadinanza attiva e governance comunitaria" [Active Citizenship and EU Governance], Introduction to the Seminar on European Citizenship and Community Governance: the opportunity of the Union Reform", held on the occasion of the second Active Citizenship Week - Rome, 11 June 2001. testo
  • "Active Citizenship as Phenomenon and Concept", paper presented at the International Institute of Sociology Congress, Tel Aviv 15 July, 1999. text
  Research Reports  
  • Civic Resources for Urban Safety: a Survey on the Role of Active Citizenship Organizations, FONDACA, 2009. text
  • with Alessandro Lamanna, Melody Ross, Ilaria Vannini, "Patients' Rights in Europe. Civic Information on the Implementation of the European Charter of Patients' Rights", Active Citizenship Network, FONDACA, 2007. text
  • with Ilaria Vannini, "Italian Civil Society Facing New Challenges", FONDACA, Cittadinanzattiva, Civicus, 2006. text
  • with Ilaria Vannini, "Il ruolo delle organizzazioni civiche nei processi di comunicazione dell'Unione europea", Fondaca, 2006. testo
  • with Ilaria Vannini, "Not Alone. A Research on Partnerships between Private Companies and Citizens' Organizations in Europe", Active Citizenship Network, FONDACA, 2006. text
  • with Alessandro Lamanna and Melody Ross, "Citizens' Report on the Implementation of the European Charter of Patients' Rights", Active Citizenship Network, 2005. text
  • with Cecilia Fonseca, Pamela Harris, Melody Ross, Charlotte Roffiaen, "Assessing and Reviewing The Criteria of Representativeness of Civic NGOs", Active Citizenship Network, 2005. text
  • "Public Institutions Interacting with Citizens' Organizations. A Survey on Public Policies on Civic Activism in Europe", Active Citizenship Network, 2004. text
  • with Stefano A. Inglese and Teresa Petrangolini, "Cittadini e servizi sanitari. Relazione 1996-1997" [Citizens and Health Services. 1996-1997 Report], Tribunale per i diritti del malato - Movimento federativo democratico, 1997.
  Charters and Policy Documents    
  • Member of the working group setting up the European Charter of Patients' Rights, Active Citizenship Network, 2002. text
  • Member of the working group setting up the European Charter of Active Citizenship, Active Citizenship Network and FONDACA, 2006. text
  Training Tools  
  • Member of the working group setting up the handbook "Get oriented in Corporate Citizenship", Master in Corporate Citizenship, FONDACA, 2005-2008.
  • Editor of the text Introduction to Active Citizenship. Macedonia, project promoted by The World Bank Institute and Active Citizenship Network, OPEN, Skopje 2004. text
  • Member of the working group setting up the text "Introduction to Active Citizenship" for the training seminar series promoted by the School of Active Citizenship, Cittadinanzattiva, 1999.
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